Health Benefits

Research-backed health benefits and nutritional information - Native Harvest Australia


1 for $29.9 or 2 for $49

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natural australian ingredients | rich in vitamins & antioxidant

Helps to PURIFY the gut and liver | STIMULATE the immune system | SUPPORT kidney function

DETOX SUPPORT BOX by native harvest

Our limited edition Detox Support Box (only 100 available) contains:

  • 1 x Activated Charcoal salt jar (provides essential nutrients, purifies your body and promotes kidney function)
  • 1 x Dehydrated local citrus sachet (immune boosting, protects your respiratory system and aids digestion)
  • 1 x Wild Rosella Sachet (Disease prevention, heart health and liver protection).
  • 1 x Recipe and nutrition information card 
  • 1 x Australian sourced teaball infuser with charm

LOCAL | ETHICAL | CLEAN | All of our products and packaging are sustainable, ethical, clean and locally sourced - even our ‘plastics’ are made from plants


ACTIVATED CHARCOAL SALT: Provides essential nutrients and purifies your body | Binds to toxins in your gut, eliminating them through your stool | Promotes kidney function by reducing amount of waste products your kidneys have to filter. Lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) while raising good cholesterol (HDL). Activated Charcoal is so effective that it is sometimes used in emergency rooms to treat poisionings and overdoses - therefore, it should not be consumed within 4hr of medications or while pregnant.

DEHYDRATED CITRUS: Immune boosting: high in vitamins C and A | Protects your respiratory system: high in beta-cryptoxanthin | Improves digestive system: peels are high in fibre and non-soluble polysaccharides which help move food through your intestines and aids digestion.

ROSELLA (HIBISCUS): Disease prevention & liver protection: high in antioxidants plus anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties | Aids in reducing high blood pressure: anti-hypertensive and cardio protective properties | Stimulates immune system: rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and iron | Promotes digestion: diuretic (increases bowel movements and urination) | Calms the nervous system: contains flavonoids.


Makes 20+ delicious, cleansing drinks - 4 recipes included: Activated Charcoal Lemonade, Wild Rosella Iced Tea, Citrus, Ginger and Turmeric Refresher and Charcoal, Coconut Chai Latte


Add 1 tsp of Rosella Flakes to your tea ball and place into a glass. Add ice, 1tsp local honey and top with water. Allow rosella to seep for 1-2 minutes. Gently shake and remove the tea strainer (incl. rosella). Your beverage should now have a delightful pink hue. Garnish with dehydrated orange and a sprig of mint.


In a heat proof bowl add 1 tbsp local honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice,1 tsp of activated charcoal add a dash of boiling water to combine ingredients. Prepare a glass of ice and pour in mixture. Top with cold water, stir and garnish with dehydrated citrus. For vegan, keto option, use sugar free sweetener.



Juice 2 oranges and ½ a lemon. Pour into glass over ice. Add ½ inch each of raw turmeric and ginger (or 1 level tsp each of dried, ground) then stir. Serve topped with dehydrated citrus (once the dehydrated citrus has soaked up all the goodness – it’s packed full of vitamins and delicious to eat!)


Insert 1 heaped tsp of chai leaves into your tea ball and place in heatproof cup/mug. Add 1 tsp activated charcoal, 1 tsp local honey (or sugar free sweetener), 1/3 cup coconut milk and combine. Top with boiling water and whisk together with a fork (1 min). Remove teaball, Garnish with a pinch of cinnamon and serve.


Activated charcoal salt

Our charcoal is derived from Australian Oakwood and combined with pure, hand-harvested Murray Darling salt detoxify your gut (charcoal) and provide your body with essential nutrients (salt).

How activated charcoal works to detoxify the bodyHow activated charcoal supports the kidneys   \ How activated charcoal aids in reducing cholesterol 


dehydrated citrus

Our dehydrated citrus wheels are sourced in Queensland, hand cut and 100% natural. Dehydrated citrus is high in Vitamin A and C high in vitamin C which strengthens  your immune system and protects your respiratory system. It is also high in  beta-cryptoxanthin which aids in lowering your chances of lung issues. Peels contain lots of fiber and non-soluble polysaccharides which aids digestion.

5 Benefits of dehydrated citrus

ROSELLA (Hibiscus sabdariffa) 

Our Rosella is grown in North Queensland  and both ethically and sustainably farmed.  Rosella is high in Vitamin C and Iron. It also contains antioxidants, flavonoids and has anti-inflamitory properties. it’s rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) an essential nutrient required by our bodies to boost and stimulate immune system. It also aids in reducing high blood pressure  due to its anti-hypertensive and cardio protective properties (American Heart Association).

12 Benefits of Rosella


Currently in stock | Only 100 available | Flat rate shipping, Australia-wide - only $6.95 per box